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Media Interview

"Easy net" topped the "China Economic Weekly" special issue "brand China" cover the front page for the Chinese brand point praise!

"Easy net" topped the "China Economic Weekly" special issue "brand China" cover the front page for the Chinese brand point praise!


国务院同意自2017年起将每年5月10日设立为“中国品牌日”。这也是我国首次以官方身份提出设立“中国品牌日”,意味着我国已经从国家层面上重视中国品牌的建立以及品牌力的提升,这是强化中国产品竞争力的重要举措,也标志着“发挥品牌引领作用”上升到了前所未有的高度。 “健康中国2030”规划纲要...
Inheritance of Chinese filial piety culture to love filial piety for the purpose of the cause of health cause sail sail

Inheritance of Chinese filial piety culture to love filial piety for the purpose of the cause of health cause sail sail


Inheritance of Chinese filial piety culture to love filial piety for the purpose of the cause of health cause sail sail
Great news

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good news


good news

good news
